
八、為維護您的醫療自主權,本院對所有住院病人提供「預立選擇安寧緩和醫療意願書」、「不施行心肺復甦術(Do Not Resuscitate) 同意書」、「醫療委任代理人委任書」及「預立選擇安寧緩和醫療意願撤回聲明書」,使醫師對不可治癒之末期病人,得在尊重其意願之情形下,不施予積極性之治療或急救,僅提供減輕或免除其痛苦之緩解性、支持性醫療照護措施。( 可至一樓服務台、住出院櫃檯及各護理站索取)。
九、為使有限的生命可化為無限的大愛,本院配合國家衛生政策對所有住院病人提供「器官捐贈同意書」,作為決定器官捐贈之依循,並可讓家屬充分瞭解病人之意願。( 可至一樓服務台、住出院櫃檯及各護理站索取)



1. You have the right for access to the needed medical treatment despite of difference in nationality, sex, age, gender orientation or socioeconomic status .
2. Your safety and privacy shall be well protected in any care procedure. You have the right to refuse the care provided by anyone not clearly bearing the staff ID.
3. You have the right to participate in discussing the care plan, to make your own decision including the choice of second opinion and to ask our staff for any question related to your disease care.
4. You have the right to be informed of your disease condition, laboratory test result, care plan and the projected outcome.
5. For any interventional or surgical procedure, we will explain in detail to you and your families and have your documented consent in advance. However, interventional or surgical procedures can be conducted as a first aid in case of emergency according to the Medical Care Act.
6. You have the right to write a letter of intent for the choice of hospice palliative care or life-sustaining treatment, artificial nutrition and hydration and to sign advance health care directive. You can designate a health care agent to make decisions on your behalf. You also have the right to consult with physicians or social workers for further information.
7. You have the right to consult our staff for organ donation policy and related service. Documented consent form for organ donation is available.
8. You have the right to ask for detailed information regarding your disease care, medication, diet and other related affairs.
9. Your disease information and medical record will be confidentially kept. However, your families can ask for your disease information unless you inform us not to offer them beforehand. We also serve for the “no any information to visitors” or “no visitors” request.
10.As an academic teaching hospital, one of our goals is to enhance medical education and professional development. Your cooperation for our teaching activities will be most appreciated. However, your denial definitely shall not impose any impact for the quality care offered to you.

1. You and your families shall provide detailed information regarding your present health condition, existing active infectious disease, past illness, drug allergy and travel history.
2. You and your families shall fully understand the possible outcome of the therapeutic plan and all contents in any document to be signed and shall reach consensus for the care plan we propose. Don’t hesitate to ask us for any question.
3. You and your families shall treasure the limited healthcare resources and shall comply with any medical advice appropriate to you. Examples are discharge order from ICU or general ward, referral to other hospital and regular follow-up at the outpatient service et cetera.
4. Please adhere to all legal obligations and our regulations whichever applicable. Please also follow our security and infection control policy, as well as no smoking , no betel nut rules. Don’t ask for counterfeiting document or certificate.
5. Please clear all expenses due to you and consult our social service office whenever you have difficulty for that.
6. Abiding by all hospital rules and regulations.
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